Demographics of new Undergraduate Medical Imaging and Medical Sonography degree students at CQUniversity, Australia

Kelly M. Spuur, Caroline L. Falconi, Cynthia M. Cowling, Anita L. Bowman, Maria A. Maroney

Research output: Contribution to journalArticleResearchpeer-review


Aim: To report the student demographics of the inaugural intake into the Bachelor of Medical Imaging and Bachelor of Medical Sonography/Graduate Diploma of Medical Sonography at CQUniversity, Mackay, Australia. Method: Surveys were distributed to students enrolled in the course MEDI11001 Fundamentals of the Imaging Professions; this course is common to both cohorts in Term 1 of the programs. All students enrolled at the time of the survey were present to participate in the survey. Participation was voluntary. Descriptive statistics were developed from responses and thematic analysis applied to open-ended questions. Results: A total of 44 students were enrolled in the programs. The most common place of residence on enrolment was within 40. km of the Mackay campus (16/36.4%); mature age students (30/68.2%); live on campus in the purpose built residences (18/40.9%) and were influenced by the location of the programs in Mackay to enrol (27/61.2%), with the primary justification for this being that the programs were offered close to home. The university website was identified as the primary source of information regarding the programs (15/34.1%) followed by family and friends (11/25%). The programs were first preference for 31 students (70.5%). The majority (23/52.3%) undertakes some type of paid work. Conclusion: Both programs have attracted a diverse student cohort. The majority of students were mature age students from outside of the area local to the Mackay campus of CQUniversity.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)117-122
Number of pages6
Issue number2
Publication statusPublished - May 2012
Externally publishedYes


  • Demographics
  • Medical imaging
  • Medical sonography
  • Undergraduate education

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