Craft industries and ribbon development: place change along the Colombo-Kandy Road, Sri Lanka

Naduni Wickramaarachchi, C. Grodach, G. M. Ranathunga, R. Ratnayake, P. V.M. Karunarathne

Research output: Contribution to journalArticleResearchpeer-review


Craft industries are an increasingly significant component of economic and social life in many Asian countries. However, their unique forms are not well documented. Future development may be harmed by importing concepts from western creative industries, which exhibit different histories and spatial dynamics. Unlike western urban craft industries, South and East Asian craft industries assume a distinct morphological pattern of ‘craft ribbon development’ in peri-urban areas. This article examines the spatial attributes of craft ribbon development in three craft industries in Sri Lanka- Pilimathalawa Brass, Molagoda Pottery, and Wewaldeniya Cane industry. We frame craft ribbon development in three historical phases associated with the country's distinct socio-economic changes. Surveys and semi-structured interviews were carried out to trace the changes in land uses and building typologies. Each case shows significant visual morphological transformation with the surrounding area, and that land-use change was accelerated subsequent to the introduction of market-oriented reform policies.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)196-212
Number of pages17
JournalInternational Planning Studies
Issue number2
Publication statusPublished - 2022


  • Craft industries
  • morphology
  • peri-urban development

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