Correction to: Standing enokitake-like nanowire films for highly stretchable elastronics (ACS Nano (2018) 12:10 (9742-9749) DOI: 10.1021/acsnano.8b05019)

Yan Wang, Shu Gong, Stephen J. Wang, Xinyi Yang, Yunzhi Ling, Lim Wei Yap, Dashen Dong, George P. Simon, Wenlong Cheng

Research output: Contribution to journalComment / DebateOtherpeer-review


It has been brought to our attention that several errors existed in the scale bar of SEM images, which are corrected as follows: The scale bars for the TOC figure, Figure S2b,d,e, Figure S9 (left), and Figure S9 (right) should be 2.21 μm, 143 μm, 137 μm, 225 μm, 500 nm, and 314 nm, respectively. The caption of Figure 1 should be updated as follows: "...Scale bars: (f) 200 nm; (g) 2.21 μm. (h-k) SEM images of standing nanowire films with different thicknesses: (h) ∼200 nm, (i) ∼3.5 μm, (j) ∼7 μm, and (k) ∼14 μm. Scale bars: (h) 120 nm; (i-k) 1 μm. (l) Change of nanowire height as a function of growth time." The above corrections do not require any other additional changes to the article text and also do not influence the conclusions of the article. The authors apologize for the errors.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)11712
Number of pages1
JournalACS Nano
Issue number11
Publication statusPublished - 27 Nov 2018

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