Considerations in the Planning of Academic Staff Development Activities

Elizabeth Santhanam, Geoffrey Crisp

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference PaperResearchpeer-review


An online survey seeking responses from academic staff and postgraduate students in all five facultes of the University of Adelaide was conducted in February 2004. The survey sought perceptions from teaching staff on the use of feedback from student evaluations and its relationship to staff development activity. Majority of survey respondents found student reports were useful in their teaching or course development and agreed that student feedback information should be a key factor in the planning of staff development activities. The majority also indicated that Head of School/Department should be using the student feedback information to determine staff development activities but did not consider that senior managers, such as Deans or Deputy Vice-Chancellors, should be engaged in determining academic staff development activities.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationTransforming Knowledge into Wisdom
EditorsFrank Sheehy, Barbara Stauble
Place of PublicationMilperra, New South Wales
PublisherHigher Education Research and Development Society of Australasia
Pages291 - 299
Number of pages9
ISBN (Print)0908557582
Publication statusPublished - 2004
Externally publishedYes
EventHigher Education Research and Development Society of Australasia Annual Conference 2004 - Miri, Sarawak, Malaysia
Duration: 4 Jul 20047 Jul 2004
Conference number: 27th


ConferenceHigher Education Research and Development Society of Australasia Annual Conference 2004
Abbreviated titleHERDSA Conference 2004
CityMiri, Sarawak

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