Conformity of Diabetes Mobile apps with the Chronic Care Model

Raheleh Salari, Sharareh R.Niakan Kalhori, Marjan Ghazisaeidi, Farhad Fatehi

Research output: Contribution to journalArticleResearchpeer-review

1 Citation (Scopus)


Background Despite the growing use of mobile applications (apps) for chronic disease management, the evidence on the effectiveness of this technology on clinical and behavioural outcomes of the patients is scant. Many studies highlight the importance of the theoretical foundations of mobile-based interventions. One of the most widely accepted models for the management of chronic diseases, such as diabetes, is the Chronic Care Model (CCM). In this study, we investigated the conformity of the selected diabetes mobile apps with CCM. Method We searched online journal databases related to diabetes mobile apps to find common features. Then considering the components of the CCM as a reference model, features of some popular and top-ranking apps were compared with CCM. Results Among 23 studied apps, 34 per cent of them had medium conformity and 66 per cent of these apps were in weak conformity. The self-management support component is covered by 100 per cent of them. Ninety-five per cent of apps have covered the proactive follow-up component. Conclusions App conformance with CCM is generally weak. App developers are recommended to give greater consideration to established theoretical models in their design and implementation.

Original languageEnglish
Article numbere000017
Number of pages6
JournalBMJ Health & Care Informatics
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 20 Apr 2019
Externally publishedYes


  • chronic care model
  • diabetes type 2
  • mhealth
  • mobile applications
  • mobile apps
  • mobile health

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