"Conflicting regimes, legitimacy of the state: exploring rights centric management"

Research output: Contribution to conferenceAbstract


Workers' representation should be in the Standing Committee of the Parliament, […] but it [Committee] has role if there is democracy […] ─The Union members of the Platinum Jubillee Jute Mills This paper explores peoples' perceptions of their possible, desirable engagement and involvement in the industrial restructuring process initiated by the discourse of globalisation in the State-Owned Jute Mills (SOJMs) of a post-colonial state — Bangladesh. The jute industry was once acclaimed as the highest earner of foreign exchange. The process of problematisation starts, firstly, with analysing the conditions of the emergence of the rights-centric industrial restructuring process, and secondly, with exploring a peoples' perspective for identifying the constitutive elements of rights-centric management. Subaltern studies underpin the arguments of the paper; along with this I draw from the theory of critical political economy for revisiting the country's historical, political, social and cultural construction, to find out which conditions drive the conformity towards the global order of restructuring the public sector jute mills. For the concept of rights and with it rights-centric restructuring, I consider the genealogy of the rights-based approach proposed by Amartya Sen. According to Sen (1999), realisation of the rights-based approach to development is grounded in systematic accountability, equality, entitlement and equity. Concepts underpinning the arguments of Sen regarding the rights-based approach are that economic, social and cultural rights are internally related, and intrinsically linked with civil and political rights in order to be realised as the primary category of rights (Sen, 1999). Within this context, my findings suggest that the community's perspectives denote the aspired role of the state first, and then their relations with the state.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages1
Publication statusPublished - Jan 2013
Externally publishedYes
EventAnnual Meeting of the Academy of Management 2013 - Orlando, United States of America
Duration: 9 Aug 201313 Aug 2013
Conference number: 73rd


ConferenceAnnual Meeting of the Academy of Management 2013
Abbreviated titleAoM 2013
Country/TerritoryUnited States of America
OtherThe Academy of Management's vision statement says that we aim "to inspire and enable a better world through our scholarship and teaching about management and organizations." The recent economic and financial crises, austerity, and unemployment, and the emergence of many economic, social, and environmental protest movements around the world have put back on the agenda some big questions about this vision: What kind of economic system would this better world be built on? Would it be a capitalist one? If so, what kind of capitalism? If not, what are the alternatives? Although most of our work does not usually ask such "big" questions, the assumptions we make about the corresponding answers deeply influence our research, teaching, and service.
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