Climate change adaptation: Destination management and the green tourist

Ryan Jopp, Judith Fiona Mair, Terry DeLacy, Martin Fluker

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22 Citations (Scopus)


This study examines tourist attitudes towards various climate change adaptations for regional tourism destinations. This research took a single case-study approach, which involved a survey of visitors to the Surf Coast region of Australia. Analysis was carried out to determine visitor preferences for various adaptation options. In addition, knowledge of climate change and adaptation, as well as demographic information such as age, gender and nationality were collected. Psychographic segmentation using the New Ecological Paradigm was also used to enable researchers to identify ecocentric respondents, who were more likely to be classified as green consumers. The results show that visitors to the Surf Coast felt that they had only average knowledge of climate change and even less knowledge of climate change adaptation. Interestingly, the self-reported knowledge of climate change issues was significantly lower for ecocentric respondents, when compared to anthropocentric respondents. This may indicate that ecocentric respondents acknowledge the shortcomings in both their knowledge and understanding of climate change issues. When presented with potential adaptation options the overall results showed a positive opinion for five of the seven options presented, with the provision of early warning systems for extreme events receiving the most positive overall response.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)300 - 320
Number of pages21
JournalTourism Planning & Development
Issue number3
Publication statusPublished - 2015

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