Climate action and the vantage point of imagined futures: a scenario-based conversation

Matthew Finch, Malka Older, Marie Mahon, David Robertson

Research output: Contribution to journalComment / DebateOtherpeer-review


This paper is a structured dialogue between its four authors on the question “How might future scenarios nourish our thinking about climate action?” A scenario set for the future of European regional inequality in the year 2048, developed by the Horizon Europe funded IMAJINE programme, is used as the prism for this conversation. Each author has a distinct disciplinary and professional background, and initially approaches the question from their own angle. These individual explorations encompass: the nature of climate change and our understanding of it in each IMAJINE scenario; questions of risk and responsibility now and in times to come; the use of scenarios to identify current blind spots and stimulate creative thinking; and the possibility that scenarios might offer fresh perspectives which allow us to reevaluate our notions of the sustainable “good life” and identify vulnerabilities which are overlooked in the present day. The second part of the paper comprises reflections on these individual contributions, with the authors pairing off so that two authors comment on the inputs by the other two, and vice versa. This exemplifies the polyphonic and discursive nature of scenarios, understood as “the art of strategic conversation”. The concluding comments reflect on the wider ability of readers, writers, and researchers to use scenario processes and structured conversations like those in this paper to sustain open spaces of mutual uncertainty, exploration, and generation.
Original languageEnglish
Article number45
Pages (from-to)1-7
Number of pages7
Journalnpj Climate Action
Publication statusPublished - 1 Jul 2024


  • futures
  • Scenarios
  • climate action
  • territorial inequality
  • imajine

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