Classification of four-rebit states

Heiko Dietrich, Willem Adriaan de Graaf, Alessio Marrani, Marcos Origlia

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We classify states of four rebits, that is, we classify the orbits of the group Gˆ(R)=SL(2,R)4 in the space (R2)⊗4. This is the real analogon of the well-known SLOCC operations in quantum information theory. By constructing the Gˆ(R)-module (R2)⊗4 via a Z/2Z-grading of the simple split real Lie algebra of type D4, the orbits are divided into three groups: semisimple, nilpotent and mixed. The nilpotent orbits have been classified in Dietrich et al. (2017) [26], yielding applications in theoretical physics (extremal black holes in the STU model of N=2,D=4 supergravity, see Ruggeri and Trigiante (2017) [51]). Here we focus on the semisimple and mixed orbits which we classify with recently developed methods based on Galois cohomology, see Borovoi et al. (2021) [8,9]. These orbits are relevant to the classification of non-extremal (or extremal over-rotating) and two-center extremal black hole solutions in the STU model.

Original languageEnglish
Article number104610
Number of pages31
JournalJournal of Geometry and Physics
Publication statusPublished - Sept 2022


  • Galois cohomology
  • Graded Lie algebras
  • Orbits of real Lie groups
  • Rebits

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