Chronic migraine and chronic daily headache in the Asia-Pacific region: a systematic review

Richard J Stark, K Ravishankar, Hua Chiang Siow, Kwang Soo Lee, Rachael Pepperle, Shuu-Jiun Wang

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Data on the prevalence and characteristics of chronic migraine (CM) and chronic daily headache (CDH) in the Asia-Pacific region are limited. Methods: We performed a systematic review on this topic, searching for studies published from 1996 to 2012 that reported the prevalence (population-based studies) or frequency (clinic studies) of CM or CDH. We calculated 95 confidence intervals for the prevalence in population studies. Results were qualitatively described. Results: Seven population studies and 19 hospital clinic studies from Asia were included. The CDH prevalence in population studies was 1.0-3.9 (median 2.9 ). Only two studies from Taiwan reported the population prevalence of CM (1.0 and 1.7 ). In addition, we derived a prevalence of 0.6 from a Malaysian study. Eleven clinic studies reported a CM frequency of 4.7-82 (median 52 ) as a subset of CDH; classification of medication overuse varied. CM was associated with substantial disability. Conclusions: The prevalence of CM and CDH in Asia appears lower than the global average, but applying the above prevalence estimates to the Asia-Pacific population would suggest that CM alone affects between 23 and 65 million individuals in the region.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)266 - 283
Number of pages18
Issue number4
Publication statusPublished - 2013

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