Characterisation of minimal-span plane Couette turbulence with pressure gradients

Atsushi Sekimoto, Callum Atkinson, Julio Soria

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference PaperOther

4 Citations (Scopus)


The turbulence statistics and dynamics in the spanwise-minimal plane Couette flow with pressure gradients, so-called, Couette-Poiseuille (C-P) flow, are investigated using direct numerical simulation. The large-scale motion is limited in the spanwise box dimension as in the minimal-span channel turbulence of Flores & Jiménez (Phys. Fluids, vol. 22, 2010, 071704). The effect of the top wall, where normal pressure-driven Poiseuille flow is realised, is distinguished from the events on the bottom wall, where the pressure gradient results in mild or almost-zero wall-shear stress. A proper scaling of turbulence statistics in minimal-span C-P flows is presented. Also the 'shear-less' wall-bounded turbulence, where the Corrsin shear parameter is very weak compared to normal wall-bounded turbulence, represents local separation, which is also observed as spanwise streaks of reversed flow in full-size plane C-P turbulence. The local separation is a multi-scale event, which grows up to the order of the channel height even in the minimal-span geometry.

Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationJournal of Physics
Subtitle of host publicationConference Series
PublisherIOP Publishing
Publication statusPublished - 12 Apr 2018
EventMadrid Summer School on Turbulence 2017 - Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Madrid, Spain
Duration: 29 May 201730 Jun 2017
Conference number: 3rd (Proceedings) (Proceedings) (Proceedings)

Publication series

NameJournal of Physics: Conference Series
PublisherIOP Publishing
ISSN (Print)1742-6588


ConferenceMadrid Summer School on Turbulence 2017
Internet address

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