Business Fleets and EVs: Taxation Changes to Support Home Charging from The Grid, and Affordability

Anna Mortimore, Diane Kraal, Ki-Hoon Lee, Celine Klemm, Alexandr Akimov

Research output: Book/ReportOther ReportResearch


Company and government car fleets are a huge portion of Australia’s new car market - and transport pollution. Tax incentives to propel affordable electric vehicles as fleet cars would immediately increase Australia’s electric car uptake, tap into home-charging convenience, grow a second-hand EV market and lower CO2 emissions.
This project investigated how tax changes can accelerate the uptake of battery electric vehicles (BEVs) within business fleets by encouraging home charging. The project recommends 17 short-term and long-term tax changes that can accelerate the uptake of business fleet BEVs and encourage home charging.
Original languageEnglish
Place of PublicationSydney NSW Australia
PublisherRACE for 2030 Ltd.
Number of pages162
ISBN (Electronic)9781922746085
Publication statusPublished - 2022


  • taxation law
  • Electric vehicle (EV)
  • taxation reform

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