Building greater capacity in science education: a partnership between a secondary science school and a research-intensive university

Gerard Michael Rayner, Peter Corkill

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapter (Book)Researchpeer-review


Partnerships between universities and secondary schools are highly valued for a range of pedagogical, transition and outreach benefits to students, teachers and more broadly, society. Teachers in schools provide a rich insight into how university teaching staff can better engage students and provide them with deeper learning experiences. Universities can provide on-campus student incursions for learning activities, work experience opportunities, research projects with academics and lectures by specialist researchers. This chapter describes the range of benefits arising from a partnership, established in 2009, between the John Monash Science School (JMSS) and Monash University, co-located in outer suburban of Melbourne, Australia. The JMSS–Monash partnership has generated a number of innovative and dynamic educational programmes, which have positively impacted the learning and engagement of students across geographic divides. The partnership is rich, and has broadened and deepened as the partners have learned more about each other’s capacities, and envisioned what is possible in an educational landscape bereft of innovation and challenge to existing norms. By thinking creatively and acting bravely, the partners have shone a light on a brighter future in science for Australian students.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationUniversity Partnerships for Community and School System Development
EditorsBarbara Cozza, Patrick Blessinger
Place of PublicationBingley UK
PublisherEmerald Group Publishing Limited
Number of pages19
ISBN (Print)9781785601330
Publication statusPublished - 2015

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