Automated optimisation of multi stage refrigeration systems within a multi-objective optimisation framework

Ishan Sharma, Andrew Hoadley, Sanjay M. Mahajani, Anuradda Ganesh

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference PaperResearchpeer-review

8 Citations (Scopus)


This work demonstrates an automated optimisation of a two stage refrigeration system, which is embedded into an Excel-based Multi-Objective Optimisation (EMOO) framework. The proposed framework has been demonstrated using the RectisolTM process with CO2 capture as an example. The automated optimisation procedure assesses any opportunities to exploit “pockets” in the process Grand Composite Curve (GCC), besides analysing the GCC for two discrete refrigeration temperature levels. The program uses a Co-efficient of Performance (COP) approximation to estimate the required electrical duty. The results of this sub-program are analysed as part of the wider Multi-Objective Optimisation (MOO) which sets the process decision variables such as the solvent flow-rates and solvent regeneration pressure levels in order to minimise the total electrical power consumption and maximise CO2 capture rate. Two options for increasing the pressure of the captured CO2, i.e. by condensation and pumping of CO2 up to 100 bar (Case-I) and by compression up to 100 bar (Case-II) have also been compared by assessing their respective Pareto plots. This is interesting as the condensation case adds an additional refrigeration duty.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publication17th Conference on Process Integration, Modelling and Optimisation for Energy Saving and Pollution Reduction (PRES 2014)
Subtitle of host publication23-27 August 2014, Prague, Czech Republic
EditorsPetar Varbanov, Jiri Klemes, Peng Yen Liew, Jun Yow Yong
Place of PublicationMilano Italy
PublisherAssociazione Italiana Di Ingegneria Chimica (AIDIC)
Number of pages6
ISBN (Print)9788895608303
Publication statusPublished - 2014
EventConference on Process Integration, Modelling and Optimisation for Energy Saving and Pollution Reduction 2014 - Clarion Congress Hotel, Prague, Czechia
Duration: 23 Aug 201427 Aug 2014
Conference number: 17th

Publication series

NameChemical Engineering Transactions
PublisherAssociazione Italiana di Ingegneria Chimica
ISSN (Print)2283-9216
ISSN (Electronic)2283-9216


ConferenceConference on Process Integration, Modelling and Optimisation for Energy Saving and Pollution Reduction 2014
Abbreviated titlePRES 2014
Other21st International Congress of Chemical and Process Engineering, CHISA 2014 and 17th Conference on Process Integration, Modelling and Optimisation for Energy Saving and Pollution Reduction, PRES 2014
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