Assessing and treating functional impairment in poststroke spasticity

Katharina S Sunnerhagen, John Olver, Gerard Francisco

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Poststroke spasticity (PSS) is associated with significant consequences for a patient s functional status and quality of life. Nonetheless, no uniform definition of spasticity exists that can be utilized across clinical research settings, and difficulties in validating proper assessment tools--both clinical and nonclinical--complicate the ability to evaluate and appropriately treat spasticity. Consequently, the current state of defining, assessing, and treating spasticity requires improved consistency and ongoing validation as clinical research efforts advance. When selecting clinical measures for PSS assessment (e.g., the Modified Ashworth, Tone Assessment, Tardieu, Modified Rankin, and Disability Assessment scales, and the Barthel Index), it is critical to understand the levels of impairment or functional limitation each tool assesses as well as their benefits and limitations. The use of quantitative methods--such as electrophysiologic, biomechanical, and imaging techniques--adjunctive to traditional clinical measures also allows for sensitivity in quantifying the abnormal muscle activity associated with spasticity. In addition to accurate evaluation and assessment of PSS, realistic treatment goal setting for patients as well as family members and caregivers is critical, because it promotes motivation and cooperation as well as proper management of expectations and can favorably affect recovery. Goal attainment scaling has been shown to help organize, focus, and clarify the aims of treatment, thereby enhancing the PSS rehabilitative process. Furthermore, integration of therapeutic modalities and treatment strategies, including both nonpharmacologic intervention and pharmacotherapy, is also important for improved outcomes.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)S35 - S44
Number of pages10
Issue number3 (Suppl 2)
Publication statusPublished - 2013

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