Are mating strategies and mating tactics independent constructs?

Janice Sabura Allen, Kent G Bailey

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This study explored the constructs of mating tactics and mating strategy. These constructs are conceptually related but distinct. In current research, the measurement of one of these constructs is often viewed as being indicative of the other. Therefore, an exploration of these constructs will enhance understanding of study outcomes in this research area. Self-report measures of mating tactics and strategies were administered to 183 female participants, aged 18-45 years. The Escalating Sexual Encounters Questionnaire (ESEQ, Greer Buss, 1994), the Derogatis Sexual Experience Scale (Derogatis Melisaratos, 1979), the Sexual Strategies Measure (SSM, Schmitt, 1996), the Sociosexual Orientation Inventory (Simpson Gangestad, 1991), and two questions assessing age at menarche and total number of sexual partners were administered. Exploratory factor analysis with oblique rotation produced two distinct factors reflecting a tactic -based factor and a strategy -based factor. This finding is consistent with viewing mating tactics and mating strategies as distinct and varying independently. An important implication of this study is that measurement of mating tactics is not indicative of underlying mating strategies in women. Further, four patterns of female mating style emerged upon review of participant factor scores and are discussed within an evolutionary context.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)225 - 232
Number of pages8
JournalThe Journal of Sex Research
Issue number3
Publication statusPublished - 2007

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