Appraising the European randomized study of screening for prostate cancer: what do the results mean?

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The value of screening for prostate cancer has been a contentious issue within the medical literature for several decades. At the crux of the matter lies a judgment call of whether the potential benefits of screening, a reduction in prostate cancer and all-cause mortality, outweigh the limitations, overdiagnosis and overtreatment. The study by Schrφder et al. reports 9, 11 and 13-year follow-up data on men participating in the European randomized study of screening for prostate cancer (ERSPC). While the authors report a significant reduction in prostate cancer mortality, they conclude that potential harms associated with screening currently circumvent any recommendation for a population-based approach to screening for prostate cancer.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)221-222
Number of pages2
JournalAsian Journal of Andrology
Issue number2
Publication statusPublished - 1 Mar 2015

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