An investigation of gait in children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder: a case controlled study

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This study aimed to compare the gait of children with ADHD - Combined Type (ADHD-CT) to typically developing (TD) children. Children with ADHD-CT (n=14; mean age 10 years 4 months) and a TD group (n=13; mean age 10 years 9 months) walked at self-selected slow, preferred and fast speed on an electronic walkway system. Participants completed a total of 15 walking trials; 5 trials per walking condition. Groups were matched on age, intellectual functioning, height and weight. In the preferred walking condition, there was no difference in spatio-temporal gait variables between the ADHD-CT and TD control groups. At self-selected fast speed, children with ADHD-CT were faster and walked with a higher cadence. The subtle alterations in gait pattern that may reflect a timing deficit is consistent with previous ADHD motor studies. In addition, this study extends previous studies in characterising the unique gait profile of non-medicated children with ADHD-CT where a diagnosis of autism spectrum disorder has been ruled out
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)319 - 323
Number of pages5
JournalPsychiatry Research
Issue number3
Publication statusPublished - 2014

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