An innovative online learning tool in Objective Structured Clinical Examinations

Research output: Contribution to conferenceAbstract


Objective Structured Clinical Examinations (OSCE) practice sessions are logistically challenging and resource demanding. The balance between managing resourcing for live practice sessions using simulated patients but allowing for enough opportunity for individual practice has been a constant struggle. With the advantages of online training and virtual patients in mind, we sought a more sustainable OSCE preparation approach called Monash OSCE Virtual Experience (MOVE) ( MOVE consists of twenty online case scenarios with virtual patients using Articulate Storyline™ software. MOVE uses a standardised question guide where students can navigate through the case and will be provided an ideal response guide at the completion of the case for self-assessment.


ConferenceAustralian & New Zealand Association for Health Professional Educators Conference 2020
Abbreviated titleANZAHPE 2020
OtherTheme: Vision for Learning Cultures Conference
Internet address

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