Agricultural technology in Africa

Tavneet Suri (Editor), Chris Udry (Editor), Jenny C. Acker, Lauren Falcao Bergquist, Thomas Jayne, Jeremy Magruder, Hope Michelson, Meredith Startz, Emilia Tjernstrom

Research output: Contribution to specialist publicationArticleResearch


We discuss recent trends in agricultural productivity in Africa and highlight how technological progress in agriculture has stagnated on the continent. We briefly review the literature that tries to explain this stagnation through the lens of particular constraints to technology adoption. Ultimately, none of these constraints alone can explain these trends. New research highlights pervasive heterogeneity in the gross and net returns to agricultural technologies across Africa. We argue that this heterogeneity makes the adoption process more challenging, limits the scope of many innovations, and contributes to the stagnation in technology use. We conclude with directions for policy and what we feel are still important, unanswered research questions.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages33
Specialist publicationVoxDevLit
Publication statusPublished - 1 Dec 2022

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