Aeropin from the extremophile pyrobaculum aerophilum bypasses the serpin misfolding trap

Lisa Cabrita, James Alexander Irving, Mary Catherine Pearce, James Whisstock, Stephen Paul Bottomley

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Serpins are metastable proteinase inhibitors. Serpin metastability drives both a large conformational change that is utilized during proteinase inhibition, and confers an inherent structural flexibility that renders serpins susceptible to aggregation under certain conditions. These include point mutations - the basis of a number of important human genetic diseases - small changes in pH, and an increase in temperature. Many studies of serpins from mesophilic organisms have highlighted an inverse relationship: mutations that confer a marked increase in serpin stability compromise inhibitory activity. Here we present the first biophysical characterisation of a metastable serpin from a hyperthermophilic organism. Aeropin, from the archaeon Pyrobaculum aerophilum, is both highly stable and an efficient proteinase inhibitor. We also demonstrate that due to high kinetic barriers, aeropin does not readily form the partially unfolded precursor to serpin aggregation. We conclude that stability and activity are not mutually exclusive properties in the context of the serpin fold, and propose that the increased stability of aeropin is due to an unfolding pathway which minimises the formation of an aggregation-prone intermediate ensemble, thereby enabling aeropin to bypass the misfolding fate observed with other serpins.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)26802 - 26809
Number of pages8
JournalJournal of Biological Chemistry
Issue number37
Publication statusPublished - 2007

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