Activated red mud as a catalyst for the hydrogenation of coals and of aromatic compounds

Aurapin Eamsiri, W. Roy Jackson, Kerry C. Pratt, Victor Christov, Marc Marshall

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47 Citations (Scopus)


Red mud has been activated by dissolution in hydrochloric acid and reprecipitation with ammonia. The activated material has been evaluated as a catalyst for the hydrogenation of naphthalene, phenanthrene and pyrene and in the hydroliquefaction of both a high and low rank coal utilizing solvents of high and low hydrogen donating ability. Activation led to a substantial increase in the ability to hydrogenate the model compounds and a significant increase in oil yield was obtained in the hydroliquefaction of a low rank coal in the presence of a poor donor solvent. However, activation did not lead to significant increases in overall yields of liquids in other cases and the activated red mud was significantly less active than a commercial nickel-molybdenum-sulphur catalyst.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)449-453
Number of pages5
Issue number4
Publication statusPublished - 1 Jan 1992


  • aromatic compounds
  • coals
  • hydrogenation

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