A relative m-cover of a Hermitian surface is a relative hemisystem

John Bamberg, Melissa Lee

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3 Citations (Scopus)


An m-cover of the Hermitian surface H (3 , q2) of PG (3 , q2) is a set S of lines of H (3 , q2) such that every point of H (3 , q2) lies on exactly m lines of S, and 0 < m< q+ 1. Segre (Annali di Matematica Pura ed Applicata Serie Quarta 70:1–201, 1965) proved that if q is odd, then m= (q+ 1) / 2 , and called such a set S of lines a hemisystem. Penttila and Williford (J Comb Theory Ser A 118(2):502–509, 2011) introduced the notion of a relative hemisystem of a generalised quadrangle Γ with respect to a subquadrangle Γ: a set of lines R of Γ disjoint from Γ such that every point P of Γ\ Γ has half of its lines (disjoint from Γ) lying in R. In this paper, we provide an analogue of Segre’s result by introducing relative m-covers of generalised quadrangles of order (q2, q) with respect to a subquadrangle and proving that m must be q / 2 when the subquadrangle is doubly subtended. In particular, a relative m-cover of H (3 , q2) with respect to a symplectic subgeometry W (3 , q) is a relative hemisystem.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1217-1228
Number of pages12
JournalJournal of Algebraic Combinatorics
Issue number4
Publication statusPublished - 1 Jun 2017
Externally publishedYes


  • Generalised quadrangle
  • Hermitian surface
  • Relative hemisystem

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