A massive AGB star as source of short-lived nuclei in the early solar system

M. Lugaro, A. I. Karakas, M. Van Raai, D. A. García-Hernández, J. M. Trigo-Rodríguez

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference PaperResearch


The origin of short-lived radioactive nuclei at the time of the formation of the Sun is a much debated mystery in modern astronomy. We show that abundance predictions for massive AGB stars (roughly 6Mȯ) of solar metallicity can self-consistently match the abundances of 26Al, 41Ca, 60Fe, and 107Pd in the early Solar System, as derived from meteorite analysis. On the other hand our models do not produce 182Hf, thus confirming previous results. Recent measurements of excesses in 62Ni and 96Zr, correlated to 60Fe, can be accounted for by a massive AGB source. Moreover, these stars could be an important source of 87Rb, as recently observed, and thus induce the fluctuations in the Rb/Sr ratio observed in primitive chondritic materials. Finally, we discuss recent observations of decoupling between the presence of 26Al and 60Fe in differentiated planetesimals and their implications on candidate stellar sources.

Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationNinth Torino Workshop on Evolution and Nucleosynthesis in AGB Stars and the Second Perugia Workshop on Nuclear Astrophysics
Number of pages8
Publication statusPublished - 1 Dec 2008
Externally publishedYes
EventTorino Workshop on Evolution and Nucleosynthesis in AGB Stars and Perugia Workshop on Nuclear Astrophysics 2007 - Perugia, Italy
Duration: 22 Oct 200726 Oct 2007
Conference number: 9th


ConferenceTorino Workshop on Evolution and Nucleosynthesis in AGB Stars and Perugia Workshop on Nuclear Astrophysics 2007
Internet address


  • AGB Stars
  • Meteorites
  • Nucleosynthesis
  • Solar System

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