A grounded theory approach to the minerals resource rent tax

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Governments around the world are under constant pressure to reduce deficits and balance their national budgets. The previous heterodoxy of suggesting new or higher taxes has now become orthodoxy. A recent example is the returned Barack Obama administration, which is emboldened to the task of addressing ways to increase tax receipts. This study covers the period just prior to and immediately after the introduction of new tax legislation in Australia in an era of partisan, polarised politics. Four theories (grounded in data collected) provide explanations from contextual elements, conditions and events, all of which have an effect on the success of a new tax. The Minerals Resource Rent Tax (MRRT) took effect in July 2012. The MRRT is the subject of this qualitative research study, which utilises theories from an analysis of print media data relating to the tax. The study contributes to an understanding of the issues that require consideration when a new tax is implemented as well as the politics of tax policy. The findings have lessons for Australia as well as other jurisdictions when considering new tax legislation.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)841 - 874
Number of pages34
JournalAustralian Tax Forum
Issue number4
Publication statusPublished - 2013

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