A game theory approach for OLTC voltage control operation in an active distribution network

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The integration of solar power generation using photovoltaic (PV) panels and increasing energy consumption has resulted in rapid voltage fluctuations in the distribution network. During peak demand and peak sun hours, the voltage fluctuation increases rapidly. These voltage deviations can cause undervoltage or overvoltage in the power grid, which are conventionally tackled using On-Load Tap-Changers (OLTCs). However, OLTCs have a slow response and causes frequent voltage instability, which affects the electrical power quality. Moreover, it can damage electrical equipment connected to the network and impose risk on service personnel. In conventional method, the tap changer of OLTC controls the voltage; however, in game theory method, an algorithm based on internal game theory is incorporated into the tap changer of OLTC to improve the voltage regulation. A 74-bus network is modelled in MATLAB to study the effectiveness of the two methods in regulating voltage during peak hours. In comparison to conventional method, game theory method decreased occurrence of voltage instability by an average of 69.4% and 61.6% during peak demand hour and peak sun hours respectively. Furthermore, it achieved a faster response by an average of 50% during peak demand hours and an average of 62.2% during peak sun hours.

Original languageEnglish
Article number108861
Number of pages9
JournalElectric Power Systems Research
Issue numberPart A
Publication statusPublished - 1 Jan 2023


  • Active distribution network
  • Game theory
  • On load tap changers
  • Voltage control

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