A family of repeated sequences dispersed through the genome of Lilium henryi

John W. Sentry, D. R. Smyth

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A family of dispersed repeats longer than 7 kilobase pairs (kbp) has been identified in the very large genome of Lilium henryi, and two subregions cloned. Initially a rapidly reannealing probe (C0t<1 M s) was prepared by hydroxyapatite chromatography. Half the copies of all sequences repeated 15000 times per genome are expected to reanneal by this C0t value. The probe hydridized to abundant fragments of 2, 5, and 7 kbp released from genomic DNA by Bam HI digestion. Twelve 2-kb fragments and ten 5-kb sequences were cloned into pBR322. Restriction mapping of the two sets of clones showed individual members to be quite similar. Length variation was no more than 200 base pairs (bp) between repeats, and consensus sites were present on 80%-90% of occasions. In situ hybridization using representative 2-kbp and 5-kbp clones showed each sequence to be dispersed throughout all chromosomal regions. Studies on the genomic organization suggested that the 2-kbp and 5-kbp sequences are usually adjacent, and that occasional absence of the internal Bam HI site results in the release of the 7-kbP fragment. There are at least 13000 copies of the full repeat per L. henryi genome, thus accounting for approximately 0.3% of the total of 32 million kbp.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)149-155
Number of pages7
Issue number2
Publication statusPublished - Jun 1985

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