Meegan Shepherd, Kristie L. Matthews, John Atyeo, B. Porter, Nigel J. Anderson, Angelina Piccolo, Caroline Wright

Research output: Contribution to journalMeeting Abstractpeer-review


The role of radiation therapists (RTs) has evolved significantly, with a growing emphasis on advanced practice (AP) to fill gaps, maintain high quality care and promote role expansion, job satisfaction and RT retention. Advanced practitioners in radiation therapy require a deep understanding of complex treatment techniques, advanced technologies, and patient implications. To meet the demands of this evolving landscape, clinical and academic partnerships play a crucial role in bridging the gap between advancing technology, clinical expertise, academic knowledge, and the application of capability. This work explores the collaboration between Olivia Newton John Wellness and Research Cancer Centre (ONWRJCC), the Northern Sydney Cancer Centre (NSCC), both renowned as early adopters and clinical expertise in Online Adaptive Radiation Therapy (oART), and Monash University, renowned for its academic excellence and well established programs supporting advanced practice initiatives. A collaboration of the three stakeholder groups resulted in the establishment of the Adaptive Radiation Therapy Education Committee (ARTEC). The ARTEC sought to develop the newly created novel adaptive radiation therapy curricula to align with the existing Master of Advanced Radiation Therapy Practice and real world clinical expectations. Leveraging the expertise of academically qualified clinical educators, senior post doctorate researchers, clinical leaders and academic experts, a key objective of the ARTEC was to align Masters graduates from the program with the seven domains of advanced practice, as framed by the Australian Society of Medical Imaging and Radiation Therapy (ASMIRT). The intention was to support the development and clinical introduction of Advanced Practitioner Radiation Therapists (APRT) who could lead daily oART, facilitated by mentoring and supervision of expert Radiation Oncologists (RO). The collaboration between ONJWRCC, NSCC and Monash University confirms that dynamic partnerships can harness the clinical and academic strengths of the RT community, ensuring the collective graduating RT's are prepared to meet the expanded demands of AP in radiation therapy. This collaborative effort sets a precedent for future partnerships between clinical and academic institutions, adding a layer of educational independence in which professional bodies can have confidence, with participation, evolving around ongoing advancements in the field and continued improvement of patient outcomes.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)s6-s7
Number of pages2
JournalJournal of Medical Imaging and Radiation Sciences
Issue number4 Suppl 1
Publication statusPublished - Dec 2023
EventLeading the Way in Radiography and Radiotherapy Advanced Practice (LTWRAP 2023) - National Cancer Centre Singapore, Singapore
Duration: 17 Nov 202318 Nov 2023
Conference number: 4th
https://www.sciencedirect.com/journal/journal-of-medical-imaging-and-radiation-sciences/vol/54/issue/4/suppl/S1 (Abstracts published in the Journal of Medical Imaging and Radiation Sciences)
https://ltwrap2023.com/ (Conference website)
https://ltwrap2023.com/programme/ (Conference program)

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