10 Lenses to design sports-HCI

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Interaction designers are increasingly interested in the physically active human being. However, recent work suggests that HCI is still at an early stage when it comes to supporting the many virtues of engaging in sports. To advance this, we present a set of 10 lenses based on virtues aligned with sports activities to help designers to see physical activity not just as a way to prolong life, but as opportunity for personal growth. The Sports-HCI lenses facilitate learning how to appreciate a void (Reverie), finding pleasure in exertion (Pleasure), become humble (Humility), enjoy the stimulation that comes from fear (Sublime), be more aware of one's own body (Oneness), value sacrifice as a chance for a simpler existence (Sacrifice), bring beauty into the world through movement (Beauty), see benefit in pain (Pain), foster consistency for life (Consistency) and welcome patience (Perseverance). We examined related work and reflected on our own craft knowledge in order to articulate what opportunities interactive technology offers to every lens. With this, we aim to support interaction designers in facilitating the many virtues of being physically active.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)172-237
Number of pages68
JournalFoundations and Trends in Human-Computer Interaction
Issue number3
Publication statusPublished - 2018
Externally publishedYes

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