This project will apply our expertise in participatory mapping, data analysis and visualization and digital storytelling, to develop collaborative work with secondary schools and community organisations in Prato, one of the most multiethnic cities in Italy, around the theme of “one city, many cultures”. Current rates of migration to Europe have generated complex challenges related to the social inclusion of migrants and the social cohesion of the communities in which they settle. The ‘superdiversity’ of the population in many European cities calls for innovative and multidisciplinary practices that directly involve both migrants and the broader community in identifying key benefits, major issues, and effective strategies in dealing with transcultural complexity. Through a series of collaborative workshops based upon the format of hackathons, the project will produce an open source, multilayered and interactive digital mapping of Prato, which will provide an original interpretation of the city from the many perspectives of its youth, through geo-localised stories, photographs, artefacts and testimonies produced directly by school students. This project is a pilot study for a broader study looking at collaborating with culturally diverse communities to develop successful tools for digital storytelling and visualisation, as an effective and affective alternative to the xenophobic content that easily spread on social media and public discourse.