Understanding the biology of reactive oxygen species (ROS)

  • Selemidis, Stavros (Primary Chief Investigator (PCI))

Project: Research

Project Details

Project Description

Reactive oxygen species (ROS) are involved in the pathogenesis of infectious diseases and cancer. However, it is largely unknown how ROS influence biological processes at the molecular and cellular level that ultimately underpin these debilitating human conditions. In this proposal, I will identify and functionally characterize key enzymes that produce ROS in vitro and in vivo. By partnering with an interdisciplinary network of researchers incorporating biomedical sciences including pharmacologists, immunologists, microbiologists and vascular biologists from 3 universities across Australia, the outcomes of this research program will aid in promoting and maintaining good health through the development of novel therapeutic strategies.
Effective start/end date1/08/1231/12/17


  • Australian Research Council (ARC): A$514,528.00
  • Australian Research Council (ARC): A$193,160.00