Technology-Facilitated Sexual Harassment: Perpetration, Responses and Prevention

  • Flynn, Asher (Primary Chief Investigator (PCI))
  • Powell, Anastasia (Chief Investigator (CI))

Project: Research

Project Details

Project Description

This project responds to the pressing policy and research gaps on technology-facilitated sexual harassment within and beyond the workplace, with a specific focus on young people and women, who are disproportionately impacted by this form of abuse (AHRC 2017; 2018). The project design will be developed in collaboration with an industry advisory group who represent and service women and young people from a diverse range of demographic backgrounds, and key policy and safety stakeholders working within technology platforms.
Effective start/end date4/03/2231/12/23


  • Australia's National Research Organisation for Women's Safety Limited (ANROWS): A$170,090.00


  • technology-facilitated abuse
  • sexual harassment
  • young people
  • women
  • violence against women
  • perpetration