Project Details
Project Description
Portable sleep recording equipment will enable research to be conducted on sleep wake issues in people under a variety of conditions; such as those arising from substance intake (alcohol, nicotine, caffeine), life stage (menopause, elderly), developmental disorders (intellectual disability, autism, fragile X, ADHD) and other syndromes (chronic pain, depression). This is of particular significance given that sleep problems can cause daytime sleepiness, fatigue, poor vigilance, lack of attention, negative mood and poor memory. The establishment of this cross-institutional collaborative facility will permit ongoing scientific investigation of such sleep-wake issues with beneficial health and safety implications for community.
Status | Finished |
Effective start/end date | 1/01/02 → 31/12/02 |
- Australian Research Council (ARC): A$100,000.00
- Monash University
- Victoria University
- La Trobe University
- RMIT University