REcovery after Serious Trauma – Outcomes, Resource use and patient Experiences study – linked data project

Project: Other

Project Details

Project Description

This project will analyse the linked VSTR, RESTORE, TAC, deaths registry and DHHS data in order to:
i. Quantify the prevalence of long term impacts and costs of injury in the first 5-years post-injury
ii. Establish the necessary metrics to inform modelling of the projected population impacts of injury
iii. Assess the profile of recovery post-injury and key predictors of outcomes over the first 5-years after injury
iv. Describe health care utilisation in the first 5-years post-injury
v. Establish rates of injury recidivism in the injured population in the first 5-years after injury
vi. Describe the health care utilisation and profile of pre-existing conditions in the year preceding a major trauma event.
Short titleRESTORE Linked Data
Effective start/end date1/06/1917/07/20


  • recovery
  • trauma