Rating and ranking sports players and teams using Minimum Message Length

  • Dowe, David (Primary Chief Investigator (PCI))
  • Barnett, Tristan (Partner Investigator (PI))
  • Khanna, Arun (Partner Investigator (PI))

    Project: Research

    Project Details

    Project Description

    Rating systems go back at least as far as Harkness (1949) and the better-known Elo (1961) system for rating chess players. More recent attempts have been made to refine these systems in a variety of ways. We will refine the systems further. This includes dealing with the challenging situation where, for some players and teams, there are few games per player or few games between different groups of players. Our enhanced modelling will be for a range of games and sports - including advantages such as, e.g., first move (as in chess), home ground and location, surface (as in tennis), etc. We will apply this to rating and ranking individuals and teams. We also refine how quickly ratings can change depending upon the strength of the player.
    Effective start/end date31/03/1131/12/17


    • Australian Research Council (ARC): A$80,007.00
    • Cadability Pty Ltd: A$24,000.00