Pilot study - Testing the first treatment to protect babies of asthmatic women from lung disease

  • Gatford, Kathryn (Primary Chief Investigator (PCI))
  • Morrison, Janna Leigh (Associate Investigator (AI))
  • Stark, Michael (Associate Investigator (AI))
  • Tai, Andrew (Associate Investigator (AI))
  • Muhlhausler, Beverly S (Associate Investigator (AI))
  • Bischof, Robert (Associate Investigator (AI))
  • Clifton, Vicki (Associate Investigator (AI))
  • Moss, Timothy (Associate Investigator (AI))
  • Wallace, Megan (Associate Investigator (AI))

Project: Research

Project Details

Project Description

In contemporary Australian populations, 15-17% of pregnant women have asthma. Maternal asthma increases the risks of special care unit (SCU)/neonatal intensive care (NICU) admission by 12% and of respiratory distress syndrome by 9% overall (22% within term-born, so the increased risk is not explained by premature delivery). A recent meta-analysis suggests even stronger adverse effects of maternal asthma on the fetus, including a 49% increased risk of neonatal death and 50% increased risk of neonatal hospitalisation.

We will perform a pilot preclinical study to test the first treatment to prevent neonatal lung disease in newborns of asthmatic mothers.
Short titleProtecting babies of asthmatic women
Effective start/end date1/01/2031/12/21


  • fetal development
  • lung development
  • pregnancy
  • maternal
  • asthma
  • respiratory distress syndrome (RDS)