Performance Nutrition (hydration and nutrient status) for ultra-endurance sailing competition- product development assessment in performance Olympic sailors

  • Da Costa, Ricardo (Primary Chief Investigator (PCI))
  • Huschtscha, Zoya (Chief Investigator (CI))

Project: Research

Project Details

Project Description

1. Review literature for hydration and nutritional needs in ultra-endurance sailing, and/or nutrition related health concerns.
2. Rehydration study: UpFlow vs Comparator (TBD) vs. Control (water) in response to exercise-induced dehydration. To establish the rehydration potential of UpFlow beer (current and/or adjusted formulation), in relation to body water compartments.
3. Ultra-endurance sailing field study. To establish the impact of freeze dried / dehydrated meal and UpFlow beer on nutritional and hydration status during a real-time ultra-endurance sailing event, and impacts on physical and mental performance, considering sleep and it's impact on mental competitive performance.
Short titleUltra-Endurance Sailing
AcronymUltra-Endurance Sailing
Effective start/end date15/03/2121/03/23