Our Waste, Our Place, Our Actions: Intergenerational community arts project

  • Burke, Geraldine (Chief Investigator (CI))
  • Wilson, Elizabeth (Partner Investigator (PI))

    Project: Other

    Project Details

    Project Description

    This art-reach experience brought together U3A Mornington seniors, primary school children and pre-service teachers from Monash University, Peninsula campus who undertook a community and environment experience with each other through art. Together participants shared their intergenerational stories about plastic and waste while upcycling their everyday waste into individual/shared artworks. Together they explored the ways that plastic, everyday waste, wildlife and sea come together as an environmental concern in our region and how creative action can build positive awareness through art. Participants made artworks, wrote combined reflections and explored arising questions about their artworks and waste concerns that were shared with other seniors, and children and pre-service teachers from Monash University through Art Community and Environment e-posters.
    Short titleOur Waste, Our Place, Our Actions
    Effective start/end date13/06/1917/12/19


    • waste
    • arts-based education
    • intergenerational
    • wisdom
    • placemaking