Modelling the social and political drivers of the net zero transition

Project: Research

Project Details

Project Description

This project aims to discover new methods for modelling technological, social, and political factors that enable and constrain net zero transitions. This is crucial to accelerate adoption of low-carbon technologies and behaviours in key sectors yet it is not possible with existing models. The project will integrate and quantify these factors through an innovative approach merging systems modelling with socio-technical transitions research. This is expected to enable policymakers to design net-zero policies that are cost effective and also build the social and political momentum needed to accelerate the transition in Australia. Benefits include new policy analysis tools, improved net zero strategies, and interdisciplinary collaboration.
StatusNot started
Effective start/end date3/03/252/03/28


  • Australian Research Council (ARC): A$338,691.00
  • Australian Research Council (ARC): A$37,374.00
  • Monash University – Internal School Contribution: A$394,370.00


  • SDGs, Sustainable Development Goals, Sustainable Development, Pacific, Asia, Australia