Mobile Query Processing: An Integrated Approach

  • Taniar, David (Primary Chief Investigator (PCI))
  • Srinivasan, Balasubramaniam (Chief Investigator (CI))

    Project: Research

    Project Details

    Project Description

    Use of mobile devices is spreading rapidly and consequently mobile query services become a necessity in our daily lives. This project aims at investigating query processing techniques in a mobile environment. We adopt an integrated approach covering the three key elements of mobile query processing: on-demand server side processing, on-air data broadcast, and on-mobile device side processing. This project tackles inherent constraints of a mobile environment, such as low bandwidth, short-life battery, limited storage space and processing capacity, and frequent disconnection, in improving information services to mobile users. The outcome is an efficient query processing model for mobile databases.
    Effective start/end date1/07/0931/12/12


    • Australian Research Council (ARC): A$180,000.00
    • Monash University