Learning-rich leadership for quality improvement in early education

  • Nuttall, Joce (Primary Chief Investigator (PCI))
  • Henderson, Linda (Chief Investigator (CI))
  • Wood, Elizabeth (Partner Investigator (PI))

    Project: Research

    Project Details

    Project Description

    This project will investigate how practices of learning-rich leadership enhance service quality in early childhood education. Effective leadership is essential to ensuring the success of the Australian government's National Quality Framework for early childhood. However the sector lacks an approach to quality improvement that enables leaders to systematically change long-standing practices. Early childhood leaders in Australia and England will contribute to developing a learning-rich approach to inform international research and to influence leadership education in the sector. Australia will benefit from increased effectiveness in service delivery for the 1.9 million children attending early childhood education in Australia every week.
    Short titleLearning-rich leadership
    Effective start/end date8/02/1831/12/22