Investigating the relationship between teacher expectations, student persistence and the learning of mathematics

  • Sullivan, Peter (Primary Chief Investigator (PCI))
  • Cheeseman, Jill (Chief Investigator (CI))
  • Clarke, Douglas (Chief Investigator (CI))
  • Middleton, James M. (Partner Investigator (PI))

    Project: Research

    Project Details

    Project Description

    It is important for students to learn mathematics, but too many miss out on doing so. We believe that while it
    is possible for everyone to learn mathematics, it takes effort to build connections between topics, to
    understand the coherence of mathematical ideas, and to transfer learning to practical contexts and new
    topics. We will explore what is needed to encourage students to embrace challenges and to persist even
    when tasks are difficult. We will also examine what is needed to support teachers in developing strategies
    needed to pose challenging tasks and to encourage students to engage with those tasks.
    Effective start/end date4/01/111/11/14


    • Australian Research Council (ARC): A$261,603.00
    • Australian Research Council (ARC): A$13,000.00
    • Australian Catholic University