Inspired by Singapore: Design and Healthy Aging

  • Sharoun, Lisa (Primary Chief Investigator (PCI))
  • Hills, Danny (Chief Investigator (CI))

Project: Research

Project Details

Project Description

In this program students will create a “Citizen Designed City” through a series of co-design workshops culminating in an exhibition in Singapore and Canberra (on return). The tour will engage industry partners and community members to bring a multi-faceted perspective to the issues of aging and the city. Industrial and graphic design students from University of Canberra and nursing students from Monash will work with teams of industrial design students at Nanyang Polytechnic, NgeeAnn Polytechnic and members of the community to create new design concepts for the urban environment. Working in interdisciplinary, multi-generational and cross-cultural teams, students and community members will create a city concept that incorporates their ideas and research into a ‘model city’ for young and old. Along with being a significant outlet to promote innovative ideas, cross-disciplinary and cross-cultural research between Singapore and Australia, the workshops and exhibition will be a means to generate new interfaces, uses of technology and urban design concepts in the realm of healthy aging.
Effective start/end date1/04/171/10/17