Project Details
Project Description
This project aims to build up a new capability in metal 3D printing in Australia, i.e., to realise free float or support free metal 3D printing to substantially improve the efficiency of 3D metal printing for board applications. The proposed system and technology are at the forefront of 3D metal printing and not existing in Australia. The facility will enable cutting-edge research in metal 3D printing, including radically different product designs and process designs in Australia. They will lead to novel interdisciplinary research and open up new opportunities in metal 3D printing technologies. The project is expected to push the envelope of metal 3D printing for better industrial utilisation and innovative research in Australia.
Short title | LE23-RMIT |
Status | Active |
Effective start/end date | 25/10/23 → 24/10/24 |
Centre for Electron Microscopy (MCEM)
Flame Sorrell (Manager) & Peter Miller (Manager)
Office of the Vice-Provost (Research and Research Infrastructure)Facility/equipment: Facility