Financial Risk Tolerance: Gender, Market Stress and Related Issues

  • Faff, Robert (Primary Chief Investigator (PCI))

    Project: Research

    Project Details

    Project Description

    Financial Risk Tolerance (FRT) refers to an investor's attitude towards risk - the uncertainty they are willing to accept when making financial decisions. This project will explore: (a) the role/impact that an aging/female dominated society will have and (b) the behaviour/nature of FRT around times of 'market stress' (eg market crashes). We will do this using the extensive databse of FinaMetrica, initially on Australian data, extending to the US and UK. FRT is fundamental to advice financial planners provide clients - affecting long-term portfolio decisions/retirement planning. Improving understanding of FRT will greatly enhance the future welfare of all.
    Effective start/end date27/04/0531/12/08


    • Australian Research Council (ARC): A$72,444.00
    • Australian Research Council (ARC): A$72,444.00
    • FinaMetrica Limited
    • Vanguard Investments Australia: A$15,000.00