Project Details
Project Description
Advancements in vehicle technology, alternative energy sources and opportunities to develop environmentally sustainable energy efficient transport options is enabling the development of a viable electric vehicle manufacturing industry in Victoria; Volgren is currently developing an electric route bus prototype for the Australian market that is due for completion in late 2018. To ensure Victoria is ready to support the introduction of these vehicles, the Project aims to establish a collaborative approach across industry, government and manufacturers, to investigate and understand the demand, operational, commercial, energy and infrastructure drivers. Stream 1 of the project will be a report detailing the operational, regulatory, infrastructure and commercial requirements that are necessary to underpin the development of an electric route bus network as well as identify infrastructure, planning, regulatory and operational gaps, that will need to be addressed by industry and government. Stream 1 will also develop the framework for an electric bus trial in Victoria that will be delivered under Stream 2.
Status | Finished |
Effective start/end date | 14/01/19 → 8/07/19 |
- Department of Jobs, Skills, Industry and Regions (DJSIR) (Victoria): A$50,000.00