Development and validation of hospital wastewater and aquatic environment sampling for sentinel surveillance of antimicrobial resistance

  • Peleg, Anton (Primary Chief Investigator (PCI))
  • Hawkey, Jane (Chief Investigator (CI))
  • Macesic, Nenad (Chief Investigator (CI))
  • Stewardson, Andrew (Chief Investigator (CI))
  • Harbarth, Stephan (Partner Investigator (PI))
  • Bertrand, Xavier (Partner Investigator (PI))
  • Opatowski, Lulla (Partner Investigator (PI))
  • Paul, Mical (Partner Investigator (PI))
  • Saegerman, Claude (Partner Investigator (PI))

Project: Research

Project Details

Short titleEnviRonmEnt and waStEwateR surVeillance in hOspitals for antImicrobial Resistance
Effective start/end date1/04/2431/03/27