Decent work and CSR in Asia Pacific countries

Project: Research

Project Details

Project Description

Community development is an important part of the development agenda for many less developed economies. Developing community-based but international-oriented tourist industry is increasingly seen as a viable means to achieve community development. Sustainable community development relies on the creation of decent work for the local communities, especially through the training, development and employment of young people and women. However, international tourist industry often has a long supply chain, with powerful international tourist operators controlling much of the financial and tourist resources at the higher end, and the local small tourist agencies, often with limited resources and bargaining power, at the lower end that provide services on the ground. Access to resources, financial, human and customers, shapes the power relationship between the stakeholders which in turn influences the employment terms and conditions of those providing services in the local holiday resorts.
This study therefore intends to examine what scope and how key stakeholders can work together to create a decent work environment as part of the corporate social responsibility (CSR) and beyond. It focuses on the Asia Pacific countries because tourism is a main economic driver in these countries and employment for youth and women is seen as a priority for community development. It examines the nature of the global supply chain of the tourism industry and its role in creating good employment opportunities.
Short titleDecent work in Asia
Effective start/end date1/01/1731/12/17