Creative digital literacies for community language learning and teaching

  • Tzimpragos, Manos (Primary Chief Investigator (PCI))
  • Hall, Clare (Chief Investigator (CI))

Project: Research

Project Details

Project Description

The Sounds Greek project develops the capacities of Australian Greek language educators to deliver quality teaching and learning through creative digital literacies. Approximately 600,000 people of Greek heritage live in Australia and half of that population reside in Victoria. Therefore, the Greek Orthodox Community of Melbourne (GOCM) and its community language schools are a strategically positioned site for the delivery of the project. With its roots in the early 1890s, it is the oldest Greek organisation in the country and recognised as a peak Greek Australian organisation.
The immediate outcomes of the project would impact the students and families of the GOCM whose membership is the largest Greek organisation in Australia, exceeding 5,000 members. The next level target community are Greek language educators who will be supported by consortium partner, Modern Greek Teachers Association of Victoria. This professional organisation will share the outcomes, which include a teaching model and curriculum unit of work, through a professional development event to reach a wider audience of educators. Having freely accessible language resources for the Greek community nationwide and across the international diaspora is a fundamental aspect of this projects which aims to:

1. Enhance the capacities of community language educators to design and implement culturally responsive and creative teaching;
2. Develop opportunities for young Australians who speak languages other than English to promote the use of their languages through digital platforms;
3. Strengthen the community through cultural exchange across different generations.
Effective start/end date12/02/2131/10/21