Asking the Right Questions: Improving Juror Comprehension of Judicial Directions

  • Clough, Jonathan (Primary Chief Investigator (PCI))
  • Ogloff, James (Chief Investigator (CI))
  • Dore, Paul (Partner Investigator (PI))

Project: Research

Project Details

Project Description

The jury system is premised on the ability of jurors to understand judicial directions. However, research suggests that jurors have difficulty in undertaking this task. This project will evaluate jurors' ability to comprehend judicial directions in standard form. It will also evaluate modified forms of delivery aimed at improving juror comprehension, as well as a new form of judicial direction; 'fact-based' directions. Based on these results, 'model' processes for jury directions will be recommended. These will be relevant to any
jurisdiction which retains lay juries.Improved juror comprehension has the potential to mitigate the risk of miscarriages of justice, reduce the length of jury trials and to improve juror satisfaction.
Effective start/end date13/12/1131/10/18


  • Australian Research Council (ARC): A$138,266.00
  • Department of Justice and Community Safety (Victoria): A$60,000.00
  • Australian Research Council (ARC): A$92,178.00
  • Department of Justice and Community Safety (Victoria): A$40,000.00
  • Swinburne University of Technology